3 Tips For Full Lashes ALL THE TIME
Cleanse your lashes thoroughly before your appointment and at least every other day. I know you’re sick of hearing this but it’s really the key to flawless lashes. Oils from our skin, products we use, and makeup, break down the integrity of the bond between the natural lash and extension, causing you to lose extensions earlier than expected. If you cleanse your lashes before coming in, it adds an additional 10-15 min of more lashing time -that’s like 20 Classic lashes or 15 Volume fans! Less time spent cleaning means more time lashing!
2. Pre-Book and Pre-Pay for your appointments. I always finish adding extensions a few minutes early for clients that have to check out or schedule their next appointment at that time. Thats more time that could be spent adding lashes getting you super full.
3. This last one really hurts me to say but it might just be the most important. Placing on lash extensions is very meticulous work and as much as I love to chat it up with you, your eyelids move when speaking which makes it more difficult to apply the extensions and make sure they’re attached securely.
“Girl, just shampoo your lashes.”
Here’s a quick video to show you how to give your lash extensions a quick wash!
Thanks to THE BEAUTIFUL Brandie for helping create this video at the beginning of quarantine in 2020!
And THANK YOU for your continued support! ♥️